A couple of posts down, you will find 3 questions I asked the Moderator of Presbyterian Church (USA), Bruce Reyes-Chow. I've put his answers in to that post, to keep it all together. I do not have many words today. The best friend I have ever had, my sister in Christ Donna Gann, who brought us here to this wonderful place, and did so much to heal so many (including me) with a heart filled with unconditional love, is no longer sitting in her office opposite me. She is with Jesus Christ, after only three weeks' notice of what we had hoped would at least be one more year.
The hole is agonizing, and huge for all of us. But two people today can see who were blind (thanks to her retinas). What a perfect end to a Christ-filled life. Pray for her husband James; daughters, Shannon, Jamie; Gene and Byrdie (her parents); and Joe, her brother